
Johansen, S. S., van Berkel, N. and Fritsch, J. 2022. Characterising Soundscape Research in Human-Computer Interaction. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1394–1417.

Fritsch, J. (2021): Problematizing Affective Interaction Design. In Affects, Interfaces, Events (eds: Thomsen, Kofoed & Fritsch), Imbricate! Press. 
Blichfeldt, M.E., Komang-Sønderbek, J., Højlund Westergård, F. & Fritsch, J.  (2018). The Living Tree; using Surface Transducers to explore the secret Life of Trees. Demo w. extended abstract in the Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)’18 Conference, Hong Kong, pp. 327-330.
Fritsch, J. & Jacobsen, M. (2017): The Voice Pump – an Affectively Engaging Interface for Changing Attachments.  In proceedings of DIS’17, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 265-269.


Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen, Alice Emily Baird, Frederik Tollund Juutilainen, Mads Pelt & Nina Cecilie Højholdt. “The generation of a [multi’vocal] voice” in Seismograf Peer, special issue Sounds of Science: Composition, recording and listening as laboratory practice. Eds. Sanne Krogh Groth and Henrik Frisk. (2021).

Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Lena Kühn, Karin Ryding, Mai Hartmann, Maria Foverskov, Stina Jørgensen and Jonas Fritsch. “Breathing Commons: Affective and Somatic Relations Between Self and Others,” in 2021 Nordic Design Research Society (NORDES) conference (2021).

Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen. Vocal Bodies: Performing Paralinguistic Stereotypes and Multivocalities in Art and Digital Media. PhD Dissertation, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, 2020.

Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen, Alice Emily Baird, Frederik Tollund Juutilainen, Mads Pelt & Nina Cecilie Højholdt. “[multi’vocal]: Reflections on Engaging Everyday People in the Development of a Collective Non-Binary Synthesized Voice”, in EVA Copenhagen 2018 – Politics of the Machines – Art and After Conference Proceedings (2018).

Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen.”ROBOT & THE END: A Comparative Critical Reading of the Staging of Synthesized Voices in Digital Media Performances,” in Peripeti Vol. 15 Nr. 29/30 (2018): Bodies of Difference/Kroppe I forskellighed. p.157-169.

Alice Emily Baird, Stina Hasse Jørgensen, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Simone Hantke, Nicholas Cummins, and Bjorn Schuller “The Perception of Vocal Traits in Synthesized Voices: Age, Gender, and Human-Likeness,” in JAES. JAES, Audio Engineering Society, vol. 66 issue 4, pp. 277-285, (2018).

Stina Hasse Jørgensen, Sabrina Vitting-Seerup and Katrine Wallevik. “Hatsune Miku: An Uncertain Image,” in Digital Creativity, vol.28 issue 4, pp.318 – 331, (2017).

Alice Emily Baird, Stina Hasse Jørgensen, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Simone Hantke, Nicholas Cummins, and Bjorn Schuller. “Perception of Paralinguistic Traits in Synthesized Voices,” in Proceedings from the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference. Co-written with (2017).